Starting your first model railway
Not so long ago we had very little choice on how to start a model railway. It was either OO Gauge or N Gauge. Now however it can be overwhelming knowing where to start and we are here to guide you. From your first train set to a fully digitally controlled model railway layout.

You may be asking, what is OO Gauge? What is N Gauge? They are the different sizes of model railways, although gauge in the UK refers to the distance between the rails of the track. In the rest of the world gauge usually means the scale of the model.

Popular Model Railway Scales
OO Gauge = 1/76 Scale
HO Gauge = 1/87 Scale
N Gauge = 1/148 Scale
Z Gauge = 1/220 Scale
T Gauge = 1/450 Scale
These are only some of different scales of model railways, there are many others but for now let’s focus on these 5 as they are the most common. OO being the largest and T being miniscule. The 1/76 of OO is the ratio, so 4mm = 1ft.
Where to put my model railway?
The first decision for any model railway is deciding where to have it, or more likely where your significant other will allow you to have. The space you have available can help determine the scale you wish to model in. A large loft, garden shed, or even a whole room would be ideal for a OO gauge railway or HO gauge. A small corner of the room perhaps is better suited to N or Z gauge. T gauge would be a perfect fit for a coffee table.

Again, this is a simple guide as you may wish for an extra-large N gauge railway in the loft or a smaller OO gauge spur on a table. Everything is possible with model railroading and that is the beauty of it.

Model Railway Base boards
Once you have your space you will now need a surface for the model railway to sit on otherwise known as a baseboard. Like the different scales of railways there are several options for the baseboard, all have their own pros and cons. A sturdy wooden construction, a lightweight foam board or a plastic table, all make suitable model railway baseboards.
Don’t be put off by the “experts” stating only a wooden construction will do. This is your railway layout, do it the way that suits you. We cover all the essentials of model railway baseboards here.
Model Railway Track
Next, we need some track. For beginners there are some excellent railway sets available that have everything to get you started. Track, controller, and train. This can be a great place to start. They usually come as loops, some with a set of points to run to a depot or station. Another option is to buy the track, trains, and controllers separately.
While this can be more expensive to begin with, you might have plans for a specific layout style which a basic loop will not fulfil. Check out our track guide for more options and advice on how to secure the track to the baseboard.

Model Railway Scenery
Our favourite part of model railroading is adding the fine little details to bring the model railway layout to life. There are so many fantastic items that weren’t available even just a few years ago thanks to the rapid advancement in technology. We will show you where to source your railway scenery, how to make your own and the latest gadgets such as 3d printers, laser cutters and digital cutting tools that can help you create your own little world.